RX or SC


This is a 3-person team competition.

Teams are comprised of 3 MEN or 3 WOMEN from the same gym. The four divisions are Mens' RX (MRX), Womens' RX (WRX), Mens' Scaled (MSC) and Womens' Scaled (WSC).

We ask that teammates all do 51% of their training in the same gym. Super-teams are cool, but there's a reason that the CrossFit Team competition at the Games requires everyone to come from the same gym. It promotes a more balanced event and better experience for everyone.

If someone's basically unaffiliated (trains at home, trains at a garage gym, trains somewhere other than a CF affiliate, or trains at multiple facilities for any of various reasons and doesn't spend 51% of his/her time at any one gym), they can be considered a free agent who can "sign" with anyone at any affiliate. 



Not everyone on the team necessarily needs to have ALL of the abilities to go RX or SC. If you have 2 truly RX athletes and 1 truly SC athlete on a given team, you should go RX. You'll get a better workout AND you'll improve your game by stepping to the greater level of competition.

Naturally, the teams best prepared to succeed will have athletes well-versed in gymnastics, strong with a barbell, excellent conditioning and consistently efficient movement patterns. This will be a 100% CrossFit-style event with movements you know and practice regularly.

A starting list of movements, strengths and skills needed are listed above. Use that list to guide your selection of division as well as your contest preparation.

Please note these are NOT definitively the movements to be expected during the competition... and that we ask athletes to complete 5-10 reps at these numbers. These should not be your 1-rep maxes. If your team is borderline for RX, go ahead and go RX.