For time, 100 synchronized Russian swings. All 3 athletes synchro.
MSC: 53 kettlebell, 50 dumbbell, 44 kettlebell
MRX: 70 kettlebell, 60 dumbbell, 53 kettlebell
WSC: 44 kettlebell, 35 kettlebell, 30 dumbbell
WRX: 53 kettlebell, 44 kettlebell, 40 dumbbell
4-minute time cap.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-RUSSIAN KETTLEBELL SWING: At the "bottom", the kettlebell or dumbbell goes between the thighs. At the "top", the whole KB or DB gets higher than the shoulder. At the "top", hips and knees fully extended.
-The movement and workout will be demonstrated at 12:30- 12:35 pm.
Event 1 of the FTME
is… ThrustaRun
For time, each person on the team will do the following:
20 thrusters
300 meter run
RX: 135# for men, 95# for women
SC: 115# for men, 75# for women
For time, each person on the team will do the following:
20 thrusters
300 meter run
RX: 135# for men, 95# for women
SC: 115# for men, 75# for women
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score is the time for all 3 athletes to complete the thrusters and running. There is a tiebreaker time recorded at the completion of each 20th thruster.
-EXECUTION: Athlete A does the 20 thrusters and 300 run; when he comes back, he tags in B, who does the same; when B returns, he tags in C, who does the same.
-THRUSTERS: The movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open. The movement starts with the athlete squatting until the hip crease is below the height of the top of the knee (below parallel). The movement concludes with the knees, hips, back, and elbows fully extended, with the bar over the midfoot to hindfoot. Men will thruster a 45# bar, women a 35# bar. Squat-cleaning the first rep of any set is fine. Thrust-a-jerks ARE allowed. As a matter of safety, we're requiring all of the athletes to dump the bar forward, not backward (you'll understand why when you see the event layout).
-RUNNING: Go fast.
Event 2 of the FTME is… The Other CrossFit Total
For max pounds, pairs of teammates will each find 1-rep maxes on:
Overhead squat
Bench press
Clean, any style
2 minutes on each lift. As many attempts as you want.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score for the event is the total of heaviest successful lifts.
For example:
Overhead squat: if Athlete A’s biggest OHS is 100# and Athlete B’s biggest OHS is 150#= 250#
Bench press: if Athlete B’s biggest bench is 200# and Athlete C’s biggest bench is 150#= 350#
Clean: if Athlete C’s biggest clean is 300# and Athlete A’s biggest clean is 350#= 650#
The team’s score for event 2 is 250+350+650= 1250.
-EXECUTION: Any 2 athletes will each find 1-rep maxes on the overhead squat, with 2 minutes to work. 1 minute to record scores and setup for bench. Then, 2 athletes will each find 1-rep maxes on the bench press, with 2 minutes to work. 1 minute to record scores and setup for clean. Then, 2 athletes will each find 1-rep maxes on the clean. 1 minute to record scores.
Every athlete on the team must contribute at least one score; to put it another way, you can’t leave a teammate totally out of this event. For any given lift, athletes may make as many attempts as they want in the 2-minute window. Athletes can increase OR decrease weight to lift mid-event as desired. Only the BIGGEST successful lifts will count for each athlete. There is no penalty for missed lifts.
-OVERHEAD SQUAT: The bar is taken from the rack. The movement standards are exactly the same as for the CrossFit Open. At the bottom, hip crease below the height of the knee; at the top, full lockout of the knees, hips and elbows with the bar under control and over the mid to hindfoot. At the start of the event, the bar may be pre-loaded to the opening lift weight. The judge will call out satisfactory lockout is achieved overhead. Since most athletes struggle to assess their own OHS depth, we recommend that you squat EXTRA low to be sure that you get a “good rep” call. We STRONGLY recommend that you ask your judge to yell “UP” for you when you have descended to the point of full squat depth.
-BENCH PRESS: The bar is taken from the rack. Our movement standards are derived from powerlifting. The athlete takes the bar from the rack to a full elbow-lockout position (with or without spotter assistance); on the call of “GO!”, the lift may begin. The athlete lowers the bar until it contacts the chest or abdomen, then reverses direction to press the bar to a full lockout of the elbows. On the judges call of “GOOD REP!”, the lift may be returned to the rack (with or without the aid of a spotter). “Bailing” or “dumping” the bar back to the rack before getting the “good rep” call is a NO REP. Grip: Overhand grip required. Closed grip required (no suicide grip). Grip may not change during the lift (sliding hands out to achieve elbow lockout is disallowed). Index finger placement may not be wider than the powerlifting line on the bar. Shoulders: shoulders must stay in contact with the bench. Head: the head may come off the bench. Butt: butt must stay on the bench for the duration of the lift. If the butt leaves the bench, we’re calling a no-rep. Feet: some part of the foot must stay in contact with the floor at all times (toes, flat feet, etc all acceptable). If your feet can’t reach the floor (short legs?), you may use plates to create a reach-able “floor” that you must keep your feet on. No feet on the bench itself. If the feet leave the floor during the lift- NO rep! If you are totally unfamiliar with bench press powerlifting rules, click here for a helpful video. While we're not going to adopt ALL the rules in this video, it may help you to have a video visual just the same.
-CLEAN: The movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open. All styles of clean will be accepted; squat clean, power clean, split clean, muscle clean, deadlift + hang clean- all acceptable. At the start of the lift, the bar is on the floor. At the finish of the lift, the bar is front-racked, with the bar under control, elbows ahead of the bar, hips and knees fully extended, with the feet in line with each other under the shoulders. The judge will call “good rep” when the lift is satisfactorily completed. Don’t drop the bar until then.
-PLATE COMBINATION THAT WILL BE AVAILABLE AT EACH STATION: 4 x 45#, 2 x 35#, 2 x 25#, 4 x 10#, 2 x 5#, 2 x 2.5#, 2 x clips. Mens’ stations will have a 45# bar; womens stations will have a 35# bar. Using clips is required.
Event 3 of the FTME
is… Strategy 2.0
For time, with a 13-minute cap, pairs of teammates will take turns completing these exercises:
100 wall-balls
100 dumbbell 1-arm ground-to-overhead (partner holds a kettlebell overhead with 1 arm)
100 box jump-overs
100 burpees over partner (partner holds forearm plank)
Wall-ball weight:
RX: 30# for men, 20# for women
SC: 20# for men, 14# for women
Ground-overhead dumbbell weight:
RX: 60# for men, 40# for women
SC: 50# for men, 30# for women
Overhead kettlebell hold weight:
RX: 53# for men, 44# for women
SC: 53# for men, 35# for women
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score for the event will be the time to complete the workout. If the workout isn’t completed in the time cap, every incomplete rep will be one second added to the finish time.
-EXECUTION: Any two athletes will share the work of completing the 100 reps. For example, athletes A and B do all the wall balls; B and C do all the snatches; A and C do all the box jump overs; and A and B do all the burpees. As a team, you choose which two athletes do each exercise.
-STRATEGY: The wall-balls must be done first. After the wall-balls are complete, teams are welcome to perform the next 3 exercises in any order of their choosing. For example, a given team can choose to do the exercises as snatches next, then box jump-overs, and burpees last. Or they could tackle it as burpees next, box jump-overs second, snatches last. Etc etc etc. You and your teammates CHOOSE the order of events. That said, you have to complete ALL 100 reps of an exercise before moving to the next exercise. This is NOT Murph-style.
-WALL-BALLS: Our standard will be generally the same as for the CrossFit Open. The rep starts when the athlete, holding the ball, squats to hip-crease-below-parallel (hip crease lower than knee). The rep concludes when the athlete successfully hits AT or ABOVE the wall target with the ball. Update to the standard for this year: The ball may NOT contact ANY part of the wall BELOW the target. If ANY part of the ball hits the wall BELOW the target at all, NO REP.
-1-ARM KETTLEBELL OVERHEAD HOLD: The kettlebell starts on the floor; the athlete power snatches, muscle-snatches, or clean & jerks the dumbbell to overhead (basically, just get it overhead). The holding position is with the knees, hips, back, and elbow fully extended, with the kettlebell over the midfoot or hindfoot. The “second arm” may not touch the kettlebell during the snatch on the UP, but may assist with “breaking the fall” on the way down. Switching between arms during the same hold is not permissible; to switch arms, the kettlebell must be returned to the floor and then re-lifted to overhead with the other arm.
-1-ARM DUMBBELL GROUND TO OVERHEAD: This exercise can ONLY begin or continue while the partner is holding the kettlebell overhead (see above). In the video, we call 'em snatches, but it's really ground-to-overhead. The dumbbell starts on the floor; the athlete power snatches, muscle-snatches, or clean & jerks the dumbbell to overhead (basically, just get it overhead). The finish position is with the knees, hips, back, and elbow fully extended, with the dumbbell over the midfoot or hindfoot. The “second arm” may not touch the dumbbell during the snatch on the UP, but may assist with “breaking the fall” on the way down. Alternating between arms after every rep is NOT required.
-BOX JUMP-OVERS: We’re going with the commonly accepted box jump-over standard. 24” box for guys, 20” box for girls (RX and SC use the same height). Two-footed jump-up is required. You can drop down to the other side, OR step down. There’s no “stand-up requirement’ at the top of the box. Both feet must pass over the top of the box during the jump-over. You can jump clear over the box, or jump up and let your feet touch the top of the box on the way over. Important note: a minimum of 5 reps is required before alternating partners.
-BURPEES OVER PARTNER: This exercise only begins once one partner is holding a forearm plank. The other partner drops or steps-down until chest and thighs are on the floor, jumps or steps back up to standing, and two-footed jumps over their planking partner. On the jump-over, the feet must pass over the planking partner.
For time, with a 13-minute cap, pairs of teammates will take turns completing these exercises:
100 wall-balls
100 dumbbell 1-arm ground-to-overhead (partner holds a kettlebell overhead with 1 arm)
100 box jump-overs
100 burpees over partner (partner holds forearm plank)
Wall-ball weight:
RX: 30# for men, 20# for women
SC: 20# for men, 14# for women
Ground-overhead dumbbell weight:
RX: 60# for men, 40# for women
SC: 50# for men, 30# for women
Overhead kettlebell hold weight:
RX: 53# for men, 44# for women
SC: 53# for men, 35# for women
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score for the event will be the time to complete the workout. If the workout isn’t completed in the time cap, every incomplete rep will be one second added to the finish time.
-EXECUTION: Any two athletes will share the work of completing the 100 reps. For example, athletes A and B do all the wall balls; B and C do all the snatches; A and C do all the box jump overs; and A and B do all the burpees. As a team, you choose which two athletes do each exercise.
-STRATEGY: The wall-balls must be done first. After the wall-balls are complete, teams are welcome to perform the next 3 exercises in any order of their choosing. For example, a given team can choose to do the exercises as snatches next, then box jump-overs, and burpees last. Or they could tackle it as burpees next, box jump-overs second, snatches last. Etc etc etc. You and your teammates CHOOSE the order of events. That said, you have to complete ALL 100 reps of an exercise before moving to the next exercise. This is NOT Murph-style.
-WALL-BALLS: Our standard will be generally the same as for the CrossFit Open. The rep starts when the athlete, holding the ball, squats to hip-crease-below-parallel (hip crease lower than knee). The rep concludes when the athlete successfully hits AT or ABOVE the wall target with the ball. Update to the standard for this year: The ball may NOT contact ANY part of the wall BELOW the target. If ANY part of the ball hits the wall BELOW the target at all, NO REP.
-1-ARM KETTLEBELL OVERHEAD HOLD: The kettlebell starts on the floor; the athlete power snatches, muscle-snatches, or clean & jerks the dumbbell to overhead (basically, just get it overhead). The holding position is with the knees, hips, back, and elbow fully extended, with the kettlebell over the midfoot or hindfoot. The “second arm” may not touch the kettlebell during the snatch on the UP, but may assist with “breaking the fall” on the way down. Switching between arms during the same hold is not permissible; to switch arms, the kettlebell must be returned to the floor and then re-lifted to overhead with the other arm.
-1-ARM DUMBBELL GROUND TO OVERHEAD: This exercise can ONLY begin or continue while the partner is holding the kettlebell overhead (see above). In the video, we call 'em snatches, but it's really ground-to-overhead. The dumbbell starts on the floor; the athlete power snatches, muscle-snatches, or clean & jerks the dumbbell to overhead (basically, just get it overhead). The finish position is with the knees, hips, back, and elbow fully extended, with the dumbbell over the midfoot or hindfoot. The “second arm” may not touch the dumbbell during the snatch on the UP, but may assist with “breaking the fall” on the way down. Alternating between arms after every rep is NOT required.
-BOX JUMP-OVERS: We’re going with the commonly accepted box jump-over standard. 24” box for guys, 20” box for girls (RX and SC use the same height). Two-footed jump-up is required. You can drop down to the other side, OR step down. There’s no “stand-up requirement’ at the top of the box. Both feet must pass over the top of the box during the jump-over. You can jump clear over the box, or jump up and let your feet touch the top of the box on the way over. Important note: a minimum of 5 reps is required before alternating partners.
-BURPEES OVER PARTNER: This exercise only begins once one partner is holding a forearm plank. The other partner drops or steps-down until chest and thighs are on the floor, jumps or steps back up to standing, and two-footed jumps over their planking partner. On the jump-over, the feet must pass over the planking partner.
Event 4 of the FTME is… Row Ruck Rope & Rig
With a 13-minute running timer, the 3 teammates will complete the following exercises in order:
ROW FOR CALORIES: Male teams row 120 calories, female teams row 99 calories.
BUDDY CARRY: All teams complete 300 meters of buddy carries.
ROPE CLIMB: All teams complete 12 rope climbs.
AMRAP with time remaining (1 teammate works, the others hold a handstand at the wall):
Mens’ Scaled: C2B pull-ups
Mens’ RX: Bar muscle-ups
Womens’ Scaled: Chin-over pull-ups
Womens’ RX: Bar muscle-ups OR chest-to-bar pull-ups
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score for the event will be the number of bar muscle-ups, and/or pull-ups completed successfully in the 13-minute timeframe. Only bar gymnastics count; the other exercises are a buy-in to those exercises.
Points are allocated as follows:
MSC: 1 point per C2B
MRX: 1 point per BMU
WSC: 1 point per PU
WRX: 1 point per BMU, 0.1 points per C2B
A MSC team does 50 C2B; score = 50
A MRX team does 30 BMU; score = 30
A WSC team does only 8 rope climbs; score = 0
A WSC team does 22 chin-over pull-ups; score = 22
A WRX team does 12 BMU, and 6 C2B; score = 12.6
With a 13-minute running timer, the 3 teammates will complete the following exercises in order:
ROW FOR CALORIES: Male teams row 120 calories, female teams row 99 calories.
BUDDY CARRY: All teams complete 300 meters of buddy carries.
ROPE CLIMB: All teams complete 12 rope climbs.
AMRAP with time remaining (1 teammate works, the others hold a handstand at the wall):
Mens’ Scaled: C2B pull-ups
Mens’ RX: Bar muscle-ups
Womens’ Scaled: Chin-over pull-ups
Womens’ RX: Bar muscle-ups OR chest-to-bar pull-ups
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: The score for the event will be the number of bar muscle-ups, and/or pull-ups completed successfully in the 13-minute timeframe. Only bar gymnastics count; the other exercises are a buy-in to those exercises.
Points are allocated as follows:
MSC: 1 point per C2B
MRX: 1 point per BMU
WSC: 1 point per PU
WRX: 1 point per BMU, 0.1 points per C2B
A MSC team does 50 C2B; score = 50
A MRX team does 30 BMU; score = 30
A WSC team does only 8 rope climbs; score = 0
A WSC team does 22 chin-over pull-ups; score = 22
A WRX team does 12 BMU, and 6 C2B; score = 12.6
-ROWING: Athletes can divide up the rowing any way they want. The rower will be advanced after every 40 calories (male teams) or every 33 calories (female teams). The first athlete to row will start in a standing position, not sitting on the rower.
-BUDDY CARRIES: Any carry style is acceptable. Piggy-back, fireman’s carry, wedding-night carry, all good reps. Anyone can carry anyone else on the team. Not all athletes are required to carry, or be carried. 1 athlete carries another to the 50-meter mark, where they collect a baton; 1 athlete carries another AND the baton back to the start line. Athletes can divide the carries any way they want. Only one caveat: only 2 athletes leave for a given 100-meter carry; the 3rd athlete stays back at the white platform. That keeps the lane “uncluttered” and safer for fast-moving competitors. Buddy carries begin ONLY after the rower has been placed at the final line.
-ROPE CLIMBS: Any way, any how, get up there until a hand touches above the green tape line (about 13 feet up). Controlling the descent is strongly advised but not required. Teams that finish the buddies carries first, get to choose which rope they use. Once a team commits to a rope, they can’t switch ropes (one rope per team). Rope climbs begin after the final buddy carry has been completed (athlete carried to the white platform). Not everyone on the team has to climb the rope; the 3 athletes can divide it up any way they choose. If gloves are worn, they must have NO tack and confer no grip advantage- only protection.
Teams that finish the rope climbs first, get to choose which bar gymnastics station they use.
-BAR MUSCLE-UPS: Same movement standard as the CrossFit Open. From a hang position with elbows and shoulders fully extended, through some form of a dip, to full elbow lockout at the top. If gloves are worn, they must have NO tack and confer no grip advantage- only protection.
-CHEST-TO-BAR PULL-UPS: Same movement standard as the CrossFit Open. From a hang position with elbows and shoulders fully extended, until the athlete’s chest makes physical contact with the bar. Butterfly, kipping, and strict pull styles are all acceptable. Pull-up, chin-up, and mixed grips are all acceptable. If gloves are worn, they must have NO tack and confer no grip advantage- only protection.
-CHIN-OVER PULL-UPS: Same movement standard as the CrossFit Open. From a hang position with elbows and shoulders fully extended, until the athlete’s chin clears the horizontal plane of the bar. Butterfly, kipping, and strict pull styles are all acceptable. Pull-up, chin-up, and mixed grips are all acceptable. If gloves are worn, they must have NO tack and confer no grip advantage- only protection.
-WALL HANDSTAND HOLDS: While one athlete’s doing bar gymnastics, two are holding handstands. Bar gymnastics reps ONLY count when the other 2 teammates are holding the handstands. The standard is: 4 hands on floor, 4 feet on wall for the 2 “resting” teammates before bar gymnastics begin. WALL-FACING IS NOT ALLOWED- only facing away from the wall (ie, you gotta kick-up to the handstand; you can’t wall-walk into it). The two “handstand” athletes must be within the station next to their bar gymnastics station.
Event 6 of the FTME is… The Dead Dub
One person on the team will do the following workout individually…
Buy-in: 5 wall walks + 20 sumo deadlifts
With time remaining, AMRAP over-the-bar burpees
Load, RX: 225# men, 155# women
Load, SC: 185# men, 115# women
The score for the event will be the number of reps completed successfully in the 3-minute timeframe.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: Only the burpees count; the other exercises are a buy-in to the burpees. There is no tiebreaker. This is one of 8 separately scored events of the FTME.
-WALL WALKS: The rep starts with chest and thighs on the floor, followed by a hand release. The athlete walks the hands and feet toward the wall until his or her nose makes physical contact with the wall. The athlete finishes the rep by bringing the chest and thighs back to the floor and completing another hand-release.
-SUMO DEADLIFTS: Our movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open (judges’ course sumo deadlift description). The bar starts on the floor with the athlete’s feet in a sumo stance (feet and knees both wider than the arms). The athlete lifts the bar until the hips and knees are straight/open and the shoulders are behind the bar.
-OVER-BAR BURPEES: The athlete brings the chest and thighs to the floor either with a drop to floor OR a step-down. The athlete returns to standing with a jump-up or step-up. The athlete does a 2-footed jump from one side of the bar to the other. Both lateral jumps and bar-facing jumps are acceptable. A 2-footed jump is required; single-foot jumps and step-over-bar styles do not count.
One person on the team will do the following workout individually…
Buy-in: 5 wall walks + 20 sumo deadlifts
With time remaining, AMRAP over-the-bar burpees
Load, RX: 225# men, 155# women
Load, SC: 185# men, 115# women
The score for the event will be the number of reps completed successfully in the 3-minute timeframe.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: Only the burpees count; the other exercises are a buy-in to the burpees. There is no tiebreaker. This is one of 8 separately scored events of the FTME.
-WALL WALKS: The rep starts with chest and thighs on the floor, followed by a hand release. The athlete walks the hands and feet toward the wall until his or her nose makes physical contact with the wall. The athlete finishes the rep by bringing the chest and thighs back to the floor and completing another hand-release.
-SUMO DEADLIFTS: Our movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open (judges’ course sumo deadlift description). The bar starts on the floor with the athlete’s feet in a sumo stance (feet and knees both wider than the arms). The athlete lifts the bar until the hips and knees are straight/open and the shoulders are behind the bar.
-OVER-BAR BURPEES: The athlete brings the chest and thighs to the floor either with a drop to floor OR a step-down. The athlete returns to standing with a jump-up or step-up. The athlete does a 2-footed jump from one side of the bar to the other. Both lateral jumps and bar-facing jumps are acceptable. A 2-footed jump is required; single-foot jumps and step-over-bar styles do not count.
Event 7 of the FTME is… The Gripper Ripper
One person on the team will do the following workout individually…
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5 toes to bar
This is the workout for both RX and MSC divisions. Scaled women do chin-over-bar pullups.
The score for the event will be the number of reps completed successfully in the 3-minute timeframe.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: Every rep counts. There is no tiebreaker. This is one of 8 separately scored events of the FTME.
-PULL-UPS: Our movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open. For C2B pull-ups, the athlete must start from a “no feet, elbows-straight” hang position on the bar at the “bottom”; at the “top”, the chest must must make physical contact at or below the collarbone. At the “top” for chin-over-bar pull-ups, the chin must clear the horizontal plane of the bar. Kipping, butterfly and strict pull-ups are acceptable for all divisions.
-TOES to BAR: Our movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open. At the “bottom”, the athlete must start from a “no feet, elbows-straight” hang position on the bar. At the top, both of the athlete’s feet must make physical contact with the bar between the hands.
-The athlete does NOT need to come off the bar during the “transition” between pull-ups and toes to bar.
One person on the team will do the following workout individually…
5 power cleans
5 shoulder-to-overhead
Load, RX: 135# for men, 95# for women.
Load, SC: 115# for men, 75# for women.
The score for the event will be the number of reps completed successfully in the 3-minute timeframe.
EVENT DESCRIPTION=========================
-SCORING: Every rep counts. There is no tiebreaker. This is one of 8 separately scored events of the FTME.
-CLEANS: Our accepted movement standards are generally the same as for the CrossFit Open. Though we call them power cleans, we’ll accept ANY clean from the floor. Muscle clean, power clean, squat clean, split clean (as long as the feet are brought back together), continental clean. We’re asking that the bar start from the floor and finish with the bar fully front-racked, elbows in front of the bar, with knees, hips, and back straight. A “deadlift + hang clean” WILL count for any given rep, but to start the next rep, the bar will have to be brought back to the floor.
-SHOULDER-TO-OVERHEAD: Our movement standards are the same as for the CrossFit Open. Shoulder press, push press, push jerk, and split jerk will all count (with the split jerk, we require the feet to be brought back together and under the hips with bar locked out overhead). The start position is with the bar on the shoulder; finish position is with the bar locked out overhead (over mid to hindfoot), feet in line with the hips, and knees and hips fully opened.
Below, you'll find the 2015 Event Graphics AND brief event descriptions, so that you and your teammates can practice last year's events in training.
For time, with an 11-minute cap:
For time, with an 11-minute cap:
30 front squats, 135/95 & 115/75
50 double-unders
30 ground-to-shoulder, 155/105 & 135/95
50 double-unders
30 back squats, 185/115 & 155/105
50 double-unders
30 ground-to-overhead, 205/135 & 155/105
.50 double-unders
30 ground-to-shoulder, 155/105 & 135/95
50 double-unders
30 back squats, 185/115 & 155/105
50 double-unders
30 ground-to-overhead, 205/135 & 155/105
Part A: Hang Clean + Jerk
3 minutes for all 3 athletes to establish a max clean.
.For maximum sled-push reps in 11 minutes:
Part A: Sprinting
Men: Accumulate 1000 meters of running
Athletes will rotate every 100 meters
Women: Accumulate 800 meters of running
Athletes will rotate every 100 meters
Part B: Rowing
Men: Accumulate 120 calories
Athletes will rotate every 40 calories
Women: Accumulate 99 calories
Athletes will rotate every 33 calories
Part C: Sled Sprints
With time remaining, AMRAP: 30-meter sled sprints
Athletes will rotate every 30 meters
For time, 13-minute time cap:
Teams will assign 2 athletes to each station, and complete the exercises in any order of their choosing:
100 pull-ups, RX=C2B, SC=chin over bar
100 box jump-overs, 24/20
100 kettlebell single-arm thrusters, 53/35 & 44/26
100 lateral over-the-parallette burpees
For time, 13-minute time cap:
Teams will assign 2 athletes to each station, and complete the exercises in any order of their choosing:
100 pull-ups, RX=C2B, SC=chin over bar
100 box jump-overs, 24/20
100 kettlebell single-arm thrusters, 53/35 & 44/26
100 lateral over-the-parallette burpees
Part A: AMRAP 5: Athlete 1 completes...
Buy-in: 15 overhead squats (115/75 and 95/65)
With time remaining, AMRAP:
5 power or muscle snatches (115/75 and
15 double-unders
Part B: AMRAP 5: Athlete 2 completes...
Buy-in: 24-foot handstand walk
With time remaining, AMRAP:
3 ring muscle-ups
6 bar-facing burpees
Buy-in: 24-foot handstand walk
With time remaining, AMRAP:
3 ring muscle-ups or 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 bar-facing burpees
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 hand-release burpees
6 chin-over-bar pull-ups
6 hand-release burpees
Part C: AMRAP 5: Athlete 3 completes...
30 Toes to Bar
30 Deadlifts (245/185 and 225/155)
With time remaining, AMRAP: